How to Build a Lectern in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Build a Lectern in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide


Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to build and create their own virtual worlds. One of the key aspects of the game is the ability to construct various structures, including lecterns. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of building a lectern in Minecraft.

Step 1: Gather the Required Materials

Before you can start building a lectern in Minecraft, you will need to gather the necessary materials. Here is a list of items you will need:

1. 4 Wood Planks: You can use any type of wood plank, such as oak, spruce, birch, jungle, or acacia.

2. 1 Bookshelf: To craft a bookshelf, you will need 6 wooden planks and 3 books. Books can be crafted using paper and leather.

Step 2: Craft the Lectern

Once you have gathered all the required materials, it’s time to craft the lectern in Minecraft. Follow these steps:

1. Open the crafting table: Right-click on a crafting table or use the crafting table block.

2. Place the wood planks: In the crafting grid, place the 4 wood planks in a square formation.

3. Add the bookshelf: Place the bookshelf in the middle of the crafting grid.

4. Move the lectern to your inventory: Once the lectern is crafted, you can drag it to your inventory.

Step 3: Place and Use the Lectern

After crafting the lectern, you can now place and use it in your Minecraft world. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Select the lectern in your hotbar: Press the corresponding number on your keyboard or scroll through your hotbar to select the lectern.

2. Choose a location: Find a suitable location in your world where you want to place the lectern.

3. Place the lectern: Right-click on the location where you want to place the lectern.

4. Add a book: Right-click on the lectern to open it, then place a book in the available slot. You can also use a written book or a book and quill.

5. Interact with the lectern: Once the book is placed, you can interact with the lectern to read its contents or flip through the pages.


Building a lectern in Minecraft is a simple process that requires a few basic materials and crafting knowledge. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily create a lectern and enhance your Minecraft world. Whether you are using the lectern for decorative purposes or as a functional item, it adds a new level of creativity and immersion to the game. So go ahead, gather your materials, and start building your very own lectern in Minecraft today!


1. What materials do I need to build a lectern in Minecraft?

To build a lectern in Minecraft, you will need 4 wooden slabs and 1 bookshelf.

2. How can I obtain wooden slabs?

You can obtain wooden slabs by crafting them from 3 wooden planks of the same type in a horizontal row in the crafting table.

3. How many bookshelves do I need to make a lectern?

You will need only one bookshelf to build a lectern in Minecraft.

4. Where can I find a bookshelf in Minecraft?

Bookshelves can be found in library rooms of strongholds, villages, or by crafting them using 6 wooden planks and 3 books in the crafting table.

5. Can I use any type of wood for the lectern?

Yes, you can use any type of wood (oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, or dark oak) to craft the lectern in Minecraft.

6. How do I craft a lectern?

To craft a lectern, place 4 wooden slabs in the corners of the crafting table, and place a bookshelf in the center square.

7. What is the purpose of a lectern in Minecraft?

A lectern in Minecraft is primarily used as a reading stand for books. It can also act as a job site block for a librarian villager.

8. Can I place items on the lectern?

Yes, you can place written books, enchanted books, or written book and quill items on the lectern by interacting with it.

9. Can lecterns be destroyed?

Yes, lecterns can be destroyed by mining them with any tool or by using water or a piston to push them.

10. Can lecterns be used for redstone purposes?

Yes, lecterns can emit a redstone signal when a player changes the page of a book that is placed on it, making them useful for redstone contraptions and mechanisms.