When is the Preseason 2023 for League of Legends?

When is the Preseason 2023 for League of Legends?

When is the Preseason 2023 for League of Legends?

Overview: A Guide to the Preseason 2023 in League of Legends

The Preseason is an exciting time for League of Legends players as it marks a period of significant changes and updates to the game. In this article, we will explore when the Preseason 2023 is expected to take place and what players can expect from this highly anticipated event.

What is the Preseason?

The Preseason in League of Legends is a period of time that occurs at the end of each competitive season, usually in November or December, during which the game undergoes major changes. These changes can include updates to gameplay mechanics, item balances, champion reworks, and more. The purpose of the Preseason is to prepare the game for the upcoming competitive season and provide players with a fresh experience.

When is the Preseason 2023?

While Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, has not yet announced the official dates for the Preseason 2023, based on previous years, it is expected to start in late November or early December. Players can anticipate the release of a detailed schedule and patch notes closer to the Preseason’s start date.

What to Expect from the Preseason 2023?

The Preseason is known for bringing significant changes to various aspects of the game. Here are some potential updates that players can expect to see in the Preseason 2023:

1. Game Balance Adjustments: Riot Games often takes this opportunity to address gameplay imbalances and make adjustments to champions, items, and runes. These changes aim to create a more fair and engaging gameplay experience for all players.

2. New Items and Item Overhauls: Preseasons often introduce new items or rework existing ones to diversify gameplay strategies and create new opportunities for players to optimize their builds.

3. Map Changes: The Preseason might bring changes to the Summoner’s Rift, the primary map in League of Legends. These changes can range from visual updates to alterations in jungle camp placement or objectives.

4. Role and Champion Updates: Riot Games may make adjustments to certain roles or individual champions during the Preseason to promote balance and improve the overall gameplay experience.

5. Ranked System Changes: The Preseason often introduces updates to the ranked system, including adjustments to divisions, LP gains, and matchmaking algorithms. These changes aim to enhance the competitive aspect of the game.

Preparing for the Preseason 2023

To make the most out of the Preseason 2023 in League of Legends, here are some tips for players:

1. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on official League of Legends channels and websites for announcements and updates regarding the Preseason.

2. Experiment with New Changes: Use the Preseason as an opportunity to explore new champions, items, and strategies. Experimenting allows you to improve your gameplay skills and adapt to the evolving meta.

3. Seek Community Resources: Engage with the League of Legends community to learn about meta shifts, new strategies, and tips from experienced players. This can be done through online forums, social media groups, or even by joining a League of Legends community Discord server.

4. Be Open-Minded: Embrace the changes and adapt to the new environment. The Preseason is a time for exploration and growth, so approach it with a positive mindset.

In conclusion, the Preseason 2023 for League of Legends is expected to take place in late November or early December, bringing significant updates and changes to the game. Players should anticipate adjustments to gameplay mechanics, item balances, champion reworks, and more. Stay informed, experiment with new changes, seek community resources, and be open-minded to make the most out of this exciting period in League of Legends.


1. When does the Preseason 2023 for League of Legends start and end?

The Preseason 2023 for League of Legends is expected to start in November 2022 and end in January 2023.

2. What changes can we expect during the Preseason 2023?

During the Preseason 2023, players can expect significant changes to champions, items, and gameplay mechanics. These changes aim to shake up the meta and introduce new strategies.

3. Are there any new champions planned to be released during the Preseason 2023?

There is currently no official information regarding the release of new champions during the Preseason 2023. However, Riot Games often introduces new champions to the game periodically, so it’s possible we may see new additions during this time.

4. Will there be any major changes to the rune system in the Preseason 2023?

The Rune system is regularly evaluated and adjusted by Riot Games. While specific changes for the Preseason 2023 have not been announced yet, it’s highly likely that adjustments and improvements will be made to further refine the gameplay experience.

5. What impact will the Preseason 2023 changes have on professional gameplay and competitive leagues?

The Preseason changes are expected to have a significant impact on professional gameplay and competitive leagues. Teams will need to adapt their strategies and learn how to leverage the new mechanics and item adjustments to gain an advantage in the game.

6. Can players test out the Preseason changes before it officially starts?

Yes, players can test out the Preseason changes on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) before it is released to the live servers. This allows Riot Games to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments based on player experiences.

7. Will the ranking system be reset during the Preseason 2023?

In most cases, the ranking system is not reset during the preseason. However, each new season typically brings a soft reset, which allows players to recalibrate their ranks based on their performance in placement matches. The details of how this will apply to the Preseason 2023 are not yet announced.

8. Are there any specific objectives or events planned for the Preseason 2023?

While Riot Games often introduces special events and objectives during the Preseason, no specific details have been released regarding events for the Preseason 2023 at this time. However, players can expect exciting in-game events to coincide with this period.

9. Will the Preseason changes affect all game modes in League of Legends?

Yes, the Preseason changes typically affect all game modes in League of Legends, including summoner’s rift, ARAM, and others. The changes are aimed at improving the overall gameplay experience across all modes and ensuring balance.

10. How can players provide feedback about the Preseason changes?

Players can provide feedback about the Preseason changes through official League of Legends forums, social media channels, and through the Public Beta Environment (PBE). Riot Games actively encourages player feedback to help make necessary adjustments and improvements.